5 Effective Home remedies for dandruff

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5 Effective Home remedies for dandruff 1

Dandruff is a serious problem nowadays. The scalp becomes itchy and flaky in dandruff and it can be an annoying issue. Moreover, various fungal infections on the scalp can lead to dandruff. If you color your hair then you need to use anti-dandruff shampoo for colored hair.But home remedies are the best option for dandruff as they are soft on the hair and also chemical-free.

So let’s check out the 5 effective home remedies for dandruff:

  1. Green Tea

One of the best solutions for dandruff is green tea. All you need is green tea, peppermint essential oil, and white vinegar. First of all brew a cup of green tea then add 3 drops of peppermint essential oiland white vinegar to it. Now let the solution cool. After that wet your scalp and apply the green tea solution and massage it to your scalp. Green tea and peppermint essential oil both have anti-microbial properties. Thus it reduces dandruff and also works as a conditioner.

  1. Neem leaves

Neem leaves have anti-fungalproperties so it is beneficial for the scalp. Drench two handfuls of neem leaf and soak it in 4 to 5 cups of water. Keep it overnight. Then strain this solution and apply it to your hair and rinse it off with water. Furthermore, the application of neem leaves also reducethe itching of the scalp. Also; you can make a paste of neem leaves and apply it to your scalp. Then wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

  1. Aspirin

Aspirin isalso very effective in the elimination of dandruff. Just mix twoaspirin tablets with your regular shampoo. Also, you can use it anytimeto rinse your hair. Since aspirinkills the fungus on the scalp so it is helpful in reducing dandruff. Besides the regular use of this solution helps to get rid of dandruff faster.

  1. Baking soda
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This is also a great home remedy for dandruff. Just apply a tablespoon of baking soda with your fingertips on the scalp. After that leave it on the scalp before washing it with a mild shampoo. Most importantly, baking soda fights the fungus that causes dandruff. It also works as a mild exfoliate. Initially, your hair may feel dry as baking soda absorbs the excess oil from the scalp. But within two weeks of its application, your hair will start producing natural oils.

  1. Rosemary oil

Rosemary oil has anti-fungal properties and it is also an astringent. Just mix ten drops of rosemary oil with 100 ml of any carrier oil like jojoba or coconut oil and apply it to your scalp.  This gives effective relief from dandruff.


As we can see there are many natural home remedies to fight dandruff so we can easily use them. Moreover, you can also make the best anti-dandruff shampoo for colored hair using the above-mentioned ingredients. These home remedies are inexpensive, mild on the hair, and also chemical-free.Also, these are easily available in our homes.

The chemical in the shampoos can cause hair breakage and make our hair dry and damaged. Hence using natural ways are better in the treatment of dandruff.

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