Different benefits of Ayushman Bharat Yojana

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Ayushman Bharat

The Indian government is doing a lot of efforts to make the overall healthcare system of the country strong and technologically advanced. The Prime Minister of the country Mr. Narendra Modi introduced the health insurance scheme which is fully implemented and also aims to be the world’s largest health insurance. It is Ayushman Bharat Yojana and is now known as Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana.

There are a lot of benefits provided under this plan that every Indian must know. Let’s have a look at them.

  • Provides health cover of Rs.5 lakh to every family: This health insurance was introduced to provide its benefit to almost 50 crore people. It has the provision of providing Rs. 5 lakh for all the families that are below the poverty line. The annual premium is being divided into central and state governments in a 60:40 ratio.
  • For all families listed in the SECC database are covered: SECC stands for Socio-Economic Caste Census of 2011, all the people under this are covered with the scheme benefits. There are almost 8 crore families from rural areas and 2 crore families from urban areas.
  • Provides priority to the girl child, women, and senior citizen: Almost all the people of all ages are covered under the benefits of this scheme. But there is the priority given to children especially girls, women, and even senior citizens.
  • Includes secondary and tertiary care: The scheme will include the cover for all the secondary benefits like from cardiologist, gastroenterologist, etc., and even provides cover for the tertiary medical treatment like cancer, major cardiac surgery, etc.
  • Cashless and paperless transactions: Yes, the claim of this scheme falls under the category of cashless and paperless transactions. It has reduced a lot of burden on the person who is claiming the insurance cover.  The person can easily avail of the healthcare treatment at the PAN India level.
  • Broadening the health insurance network: The implementation of the insurance policy is providing a better infrastructure if the medical facilities even in the rural areas. The government has created a medical package that covers almost everything like daycare, treatment, surgery, etc.

So it is seen that the Indian government is doing a lot to provide better healthcare facilities. Even different healthcare institutes are also involving in and providing with a better hospital empanelment. If all the Indians are aware of the facilities provided by the government. They will be able to use them at the most desired time.

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