Differences Between Running Shoes vs. Walking Shoes

As you know there are different types of shoes on the market these days, most of them would have different aesthetics and some of them tend to have almost the same aesthetics. These similarities commonly confuse customers and some of the brands neglect to mention type on some of their products. One of the most confusing among them are running and walking shoe. Here are some of the key differences between running and walking shoes.
- Cushioning –
People exert three times more bodyweight on the ground with each step. This is why most of the manufacturers add cushioning to the shoes. This cushioning helps to reduce the impact on the foot and reduce any damages to the foot.
Running shoe – running shoes require more cushioning than walking shoe, therefore, running shoes will have comparatively thick cushioning.
Walking shoe – walking shoes would have comparatively less cushioning as walking does not require thick cushioning. Therefore, walking shoes are lightweight.
- Heel height –
Only an expert could distinguish between walking and running shoes. Even some experts find it difficult to distinguish just by looks. Here is how to distinguish based on the mere looks of the shoes.
Running shoes – running shoes have to offer more stability and therefore, they need thick or high heel on their shoes.
Walking shoes – when it comes to walking shoes, there is no need for any enhanced stability, therefore, walking shoes tend to have no big heels.
- Heel flare –
Heel flare is incorporated into a shoe to offer an extra level of stability to the user’s motion. However, the flared heel is not required for all types of shoes. Here is how to distinguish running and walking shoe based on heel flare.
Running shoes – flared heel offers enhanced stability to runners, therefore, most of the running shoes would have a flared heel.
Walking shoes – heel flare is a waste when it comes to walking shoes as it could impede the rolling forward of the foot while walking.
- Flexibility –
Distinguishing a running and walking shoe based on flexibility is not an easy thing. Even the experts find it difficult to do the same. However, there is a difference between the two and most people are not aware of it.
Running shoes – running shoes might flex at the midfoot or arch, if you are physically comparing two shoes, this could help you.
Walking shoes – walking shoes would have more flexibility at the forefoot as the user would push off the toes to the front while walking.
- Shoe weight –
The weight of the shoes depends on the features it offers. If the sole is thick, durable, and if the cushioning is thick, then a shoe tends to become heavier. When it comes to walking and running shoes, here is how to distinguish them based on weight.
Running shoes – as you have already read, a running shoe below 2000 INR would come with a thick heel, cushioning, heel height, etc. this makes running shoes weigh more than walking shoes.
Walking shoes –
most commonly, walking shoes are lightweight as they come with less cushioning, thin heel, and low heel height. As already mentioned above, even an expert might not be able to distinguish a running shoe and a walking shoe with ease. However, if you read the above-listed facts and details, it might help you master the expertise and skill required to do the same.