Gut Health and Depression: Are They Linked?

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Gut Health and Depression: Are They Linked? 1

At first, you might be wondering what the gut has to do with the brain. Why do people even talk about the gut in relation to mental health and emotions? Is it even worth researching?

Well, if you think about some of the phrases related to the gut and emotions, you might come to the same conclusion that those people did. If you’ve been in awkward situation before, you’ve most likely felt ‘butterflies in your stomach’, and you might have described it that exact way to your friends. Just from that, you may start to wonder about how connected the gut is to our emotional health.

But you don’t have to wonder too hard, because research has been and is still being done on the correlation between gut health and depression.

If you think you might be suffering mental or physical problems as a result of the condition of your intestinal tract, we suggest you consult a professional. These Gastroenterologist in Karachi are great options if you live in the area.

What’s the science?

So, let’s get into what’s responsible for the link here. There are two thin layers of neurons that are about 100 million in number which span the gastrointestinal tract, all the way from you oesophagus to your rectum. These thin layers are responsible for controlling digestion, from the physical motions required to move the food through the tract, to the regulation of enzymes that break down and modify food in it. The thin layers of nerve cells are collectively known as the enteric nervous system (ENS).

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Dr. Jay Parishca has gotten tons of recognition for his work on the ENS. Part of that research has shown that the ENS communicates directly with the central nervous system (CNS), which includes the brain.

There has always been a consensus that mental health problems could affect conditions regarding the intestinal tract, but that may also be the other way around. It is very possible that the ENS is affected by the condition, and that is what results in the mental and emotional symptoms. Research has already shown that irritation in the tract can affect the CNS and trigger changes in one’s mood. This means that a lot of people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or other intestinal conditions may be at a higher risk of developing depression, but it also means that there is now a potential target for treating some cases of depression and anxiety.

Since we’ve talked about the effect of gut health on one’s mental state, we should also talk about the effect that mental health plays in aggravating intestinal diseases. As we’ve said before, it is already widely believed that depression can increase the symptoms of different intestinal diseases such as IBS. These diseases can therefore be treated using anti-depressants or other psychological treatments, such as therapy.

With the discovery and research of the ENS, we now have a better idea of how changes in the CNS, such as mood changes, can affect the gastrointestinal tract, and how we can better treat symptoms the various diseases associated with it.

If you feel as though your gut’s health fluctuates with changes in your mental state, you may want to consider visiting a physician, since there is a huge possibility that you have a condition that is aggravated by your mental health. If you live in Islamabad, you could look up these Best Gastroenterologist in Islamabad for a consultation.If you feel as though your gut’s health

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