How to deal with rickets in children?

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How to deal with rickets in children? 1

Rickets is a disorder of the skeletal system or more commonly known as bones. It is a condition in which a deficiency of vitamin D, phosphorus, or calcium occurs in children. Since these nutrients are quite essential for the health and growth of bones, their deficiency can leave the bones brittle, weak, and stunted. If your child has rickets, their bones may become prone to fracture and deformities. Therefore, you must take them to an orthopedic surgeon in Lahore.

Vitamin D plays a role in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. When its deficiency occurs, indirectly, calcium and phosphorus levels also decline. As a response, your body starts to take calcium and phosphorus from your bones, hence leaving them weak and prone to fractures.

You can get vitamin D from natural sources like milk, egg yolk, fish, as well as in the form of supplements. Your body also produces a chemical that turns into vitamin D upon exposure to sunlight. So, to get rid of vitamin D deficiency, spending some time under early morning sunlight is also beneficial.

What are the signs and symptoms of rickets?

The signs and symptoms of rickets are;

Delay in growth

Pain in the spine and legs

Delay in motor skills

Weakness of muscles

Thickened ankles and wrists

Bow in the leg bones

Projection of breast bone

Dealing with rickets

If your child is diagnosed with rickets, you can follow the tips mentioned below to get rid of it.


Take your children under the morning sunlight. So that they get enough of it and their body can change a certain chemical into vitamin D. Try not to keep them indoors. Instead, take them outdoors, at least for some time.


Make sure your child drinks at least two glasses of milk in a day. One cup of milk gives them 2.4 IU of vitamin D. Therefore, incorporate it into a routine. It will also provide other nutrients like calcium and phosphorus, whose deficiency occurs due to vitamin D deficiency.


Your child can also get an adequate amount of vitamin D through foods like egg yolk and fish. You must give them an adequate amount of it in a diet. These foods also provide protein, which helps in building healthy and strong bones.

Fortified foods and milk

Try to give your children fortified foods and milk. In these products, added vitamins and minerals are present, like vitamin D and calcium, that eventually help in getting rid of deficiency. They provide more nutrition as compared to the naturally occurring ones.


The healthcare provider may prescribe supplements of vitamin D and calcium to treat and prevent rickets. Therefore, you must follow their advice and give your child those supplements daily. Also, taking calcium without adequate vitamin D is of no use as it helps in calcium absorption. So make sure that you intake the right quantity of both.

Healthcare providers

If you notice a bow in your children’s leg or they face difficulty in walking, make sure you take them to a healthcare provider. The more you delay the visit to a doctor, the more it will result in weakened and brittle bones.

Conclusion Rickets is a preventable and treatable condition that affects children. It can be congenital (by birth) or acquired. You must give your children an adequate quantity of foods that contain vitamin D. If your child remains irritated and has difficulty in walking, take them to an orthopedic surgeon in Karachi.

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