How to Know If You Need Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

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How to Know If You Need Wisdom Tooth Extraction? 1

Do you need your wisdom teeth removed? In most cases, problematic wisdom teeth do not cause any symptoms at first, and by the time you visit a dentist, it may be too late. That’s why it’s important to have regular dental visits to detect any issues early on. Your dentist can determine whether your wisdom teeth are impacted or not, as it may not be easy to tell on your own. If your wisdom tooth is forming without enough room to erupt, you may experience dental pain, swelling, and inflammation. However, it’s common to experience initial symptoms before wisdom tooth extraction.As an experienced dentist performing wisdom tooth extraction in North York states, after your wisdom teeth are extracted, it’s normal to experience some pain and bleeding. Your dentist can provide tips to help you manage the pain and bleeding. For the first 24 hours after surgery, it’s best to avoid hot foods that require chewing. Inflammation and swelling usually subside within two days, while dental pain gradually decreases. If your bleeding, pain, and swelling persist, it’s important to contact your dentist. Over-the-counter painkillers are not recommended, but they can help manage the pain.

What Are the Typical Signs of Impacted Wisdom Teeth?

Impacted wisdom teeth often cause severe pain, toothache, and a range of other symptoms such as infection, tumors, cysts, damage to neighboring teeth, periodontal disease, and tooth death.

In the past, wisdom teeth were not considered very important, but now dentists pay close attention to any symptoms to determine whether a patient needs their wisdom teeth removed or if there are other dental issues that need to be addressed first. However, a significant number of people still require wisdom teeth extraction. If you are being monitored for your wisdom teeth, there are some questions that can provide helpful information on the matter.

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Why Is It Important to Extract Wisdom Teeth?

Although wisdom teeth are no longer routinely removed, it’s still necessary to have them extracted if they are impacted. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause neighboring teeth to become crowded and shifted, and they can be challenging to reach when brushing or flossing, leading to a higher risk of tooth decay, cavities, and gum disease.

How to Know If You Need Wisdom Tooth Extraction? 2

How Long Does Bleeding after Wisdom Tooth Extraction Last?

Bleeding after the wisdom tooth extraction is typically mild to moderate, and your dentist or oral surgeon will place cotton gauze on the area to control and speed up the blood clotting process. It’s normal to have slight oozing for up to a day, but bleeding should stop after a few hours.

What is the process for extracting wisdom teeth? You don’t need to worry about pain during the procedure as your teeth and surrounding soft tissues will be completely numb thanks to the local anesthetic. Your dentist or oral surgeon will use dental forceps to smoothly extract your wisdom tooth. In some cases, the wisdom tooth may need to be cut into pieces to extract. If you have anxiety, you can ask your dentist about sedation options.

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