JEE Advanced Exam Pattern Overview

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JEE Advanced Exam Pattern Overview 1

The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Advanced is a highly competitive entrance exam that opens the doors to prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). Aspiring students must familiarise themselves with the exam pattern to effectively prepare for the rigorous test. In this article, we will go into the essential details of the JEE Advanced exam. This article includes the details of the JEE Advanced marking scheme, mode of exam, exam duration, and more.

JEE Advanced Exam Highlights

It is crucial for students to grasp the key features of the JEE Advanced exam. Here are the important highlights:

  • Computer-Based Examination: The JEE Advanced exam is conducted in a computer-based (online) mode. Candidates will navigate through the test using the computer interface.
  • Two JEE Advanced Papers: The exam consists of two papers – JEE Advanced Paper 1 and JEE Advanced Paper 2.
  • Three Subjects: The question papers cover three subjects: Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.

JEE Advanced Exam Pattern: Total Marks

Let’s take a look at the probable number of questions and marks for JEE Advanced 2023.

JEE Advanced Paper 1

Section 1: 6 questions and 18 marks

Section 2: 6 questions and 24 marks

Section 3: 6 questions and 24 marks

JEE Advanced Paper 2

Section 1: 6 questions and 24 marks

Section 2: 6 questions and 24 marks

Section 3: 6 questions and 18 marks

Highlights of JEE Advanced Exam Pattern 2023

The JEE Advanced 2023 will be conducted in a computer-based format. The exam consists of two mandatory papers: JEE Advanced Paper 1 and JEE Advanced Paper 2. Each JEE Advanced 2023 paper has a duration of 3 hours. However, differently-abled candidates (PwD candidates) are given 4 hours for each paper. Both Paper 1 and Paper 2 comprise three sections: Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. The types of questions in the JEE Advanced exam include multiple-choice questions, questions with multiple correct answers, integer digit answers,  numerical value questions, and matching-type questions.

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According to the JEE Advanced exam pattern for 2023, candidates’ responses will be evaluated based on full marks, partial marks, or zero marks, depending on their answers. Negative markings will be applied to incorrect responses. The examination will be conducted in English and Hindi languages. Candidates are allowed to choose or switch their preferred language at any point during the exam.

General Instructions for the Computer-Based Test (CBT)

Candidates should be familiar with the general instructions for the JEE 2023 CBT exam. Here are some important guidelines:

  • Students must log onto the exam portal using the password provided by the exam conducting authority.
  • Upon successfully accessing the exam portal, candidates are required to select the “Proceed” button, followed by the “Start” option, in order to initiate the examination.
  • Please note that candidates are solely allowed to utilise the mouse to mark their responses.
  • In case of any technical issues, candidates will be provided with another computer to ensure a smooth exam experience.
  • Automatic clocks will be displayed on the computers, enabling candidates to keep track of the exact time of logging in and logging out.
  • Candidates can change the language of the exam by clicking on the “profile” option in the top left corner.

Important Facts about the JEE (Advanced) Application Form 2023

Apart from the exam pattern, students must be aware of the crucial details regarding the JEE Advanced 2023 application form, which are given below: 

  • The JEE Advanced 2023 application process started on April 30, 2023.
  • The deadline to complete the registration was May 4, 2023.
  • Students should provide a valid email ID and phone number to receive important exam-related notifications.
  • During registration, candidates must select their preferred exam centre.
  • It is crucial to fill out the application form accurately and ensure all the required fields are completed. Incomplete forms may lead to disqualification.
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A thorough understanding of the JEE Advanced exam pattern, including the marking scheme, mode of exam, and exam duration, is vital for students aiming to excel in this highly competitive examination. By familiarising themselves with the exam pattern, candidates can plan their preparation effectively and increase their chances of success. Additionally, seeking guidance from reputable coaching institutes and attending JEE Advanced crash course 2023 can provide valuable support throughout the preparation journey. With maximum dedication and proper guidance, aspiring students can work towards achieving their dream of securing admission to the esteemed IITs through the JEE Advanced.

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