Learn Leadership Skills from Ram V Chary

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Learn Leadership Skills

Leadership is an inherent skill in many people, but there is also a possibility of acquiring this skill if one wants to and follows the right mentors. Ram V Chary, a businessman by profession but an influencer by choice, shares from his personal experience what are the essential skills necessary to become an ideal leader.

Assuming the name of a leader may be easy but maintaining the position and proving oneself to be a true leader is a different ball game altogether. Even for those who are natural leaders, there are many skills they need to upgrade themselves with to stay in alignment with the changing trends. Showing the path to others is not an easy task; it involves more than merely giving orders.

Being a leader is not walking ahead of a team of individuals; it is instead the ability to take along with oneself the team and achieve a common goal. Below are the most crucial skills that anyone who wishes to be considered a proficient leader needs to have.

  1. Be supportive – everyone craves appreciation, and that is precisely how a leader can drive a team to the target. Understanding their opinions and views while at the same communicating their ideas to them is how a leader can exhibit support. Encouraging the team regularly and conveying how their hard work is sincerely acknowledged and appreciated keeps them motivated. This also helps instil a sense of belonging in the team members by virtue of which they perform well.
  1. Empathize – the moment a leader can make the team members understand that they can view a particular situation by getting into their shoes; he becomes the best leader instantly.
  1. Communicate – Communication is the key to any happy relationship, and the relationship a leader and their team share is no exception. Ram V Chary informs that definitely no one likes a hovering leader, but letting the team know one’s mind while maintaining a safe distance, is the skill all leaders must inculcate. Communicating alone is not enough; the focus should always be on effective communication; this is a great tool to keep confusion out of the window.
  1. Decide – being a leader, one has to be prepared to make decisions at any time. This is one of the critical skills that should be up the sleeve of every effective leader. They should know how to take the right call at the right time.
  1. Plan – a leader needs to remember that a team of people is looking up to them to know how to proceed in any task. Thus, if one wishes to be a good leader, they should know how to plan like the back of their hand, opines Ram V Chary, who himself has worked at several leading positions in his career.
  1. Collaborate – a highly vital trait of an effective leader is the ability to be able to take the ideas of the teams and work together towards achieving the set goals.
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These skills are the tools that contribute towards making one not just a leader but a people person.

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