Why You Should Hire a Specialized Bicycle Accident Attorney

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Whether you are a bicycle rider or a passenger in a vehicle, bicycle accidents can be devastating. They can lead to severe injury or even death.

When someone else’s negligence causes a bicycle accident, it is crucial to seek legal advice. A bicycle accident lawyer can help you understand your rights and build a strong case on your behalf.


In a bicycle accident, you need an attorney with the experience to help you recover damages. These losses could be in the form of pain and suffering, lost pay, and medical expenses.

A bike accident can have a devastating effect on your life and the lives of your loved ones. Some injuries caused by bicycle accidents are fatal or have lasting consequences such as brain damage and paralysis.

Many bike accident cases involve complex issues such as the right of way for a cyclist on a road or intersection and whether a bicyclist’s violation of state law or city regulations contributed to the accident.

The attorneys at Wilk Law have the experience and resources necessary to build strong cases on your behalf. They understand you may feel too emotionally and physically drained to take on the legal process after an accident.


The best choice is a specialized attorney when you are looking for an expert to help you navigate your bicycle accident case. They will have the expertise to handle all aspects of your case.

For instance, they will be able to anticipate the tactics that defense teams and insurance companies use to lowball you and take steps to protect you from them.

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Also, they are likely to know the most effective way to present your case in a manner that will be most effective and persuasive.

For example, they may be able to demonstrate that your bike was a defective product at the time of the crash. They have a wealth of experience in this area, including the expertise to make this claim without sounding too boastful. The most crucial thing is to have a knowledgeable bike accident attorney on your side as soon as possible following a serious collision, so you can confidently start the healing process.

Expertise in the area of law

When it comes to pursuing compensation after an accident, you need to have a lawyer on your side who can protect your interests. Insurance companies will try to minimize or deny your claim, so having an experienced bike accident attorney can increase your chances of receiving a fair settlement.

You deserve compensation for your injuries, medical bills, pain, suffering, and lost wages from your accident. These damages can be challenging to calculate, so you need a professional who knows how to do it.

Experience in dealing with insurance companies

It is essential to hire a specialized bicycle accident attorney who has ample experience in dealing with insurance companies. This way, they can maximize your chances of receiving compensation from the insurer.

A good bike accident lawyer will know which information to gather from you and how to collect it. They will also be able to present the facts effectively during negotiations.

It will help you receive the total amount of money you are entitled to. It includes both special damages, monetary losses such as medical bills and lost wages, and general damages, which are non-economic or intangible losses such as pain and suffering.

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Additionally, if your bicycle or a component of your bicycle was the cause of the accident, you may be able to file a product responsibility claim. A bike crash lawyer will be able to collect the evidence that is needed to show that this happened and that the manufacturer was negligent.

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