An overview about dandruff

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An overview about dandruff

Dandruff is easily recognizable. A medical professional can easily observe it and can pinpoint the reasons for its appearance. In rare cases detailed tests or examinations are suggested in skin biopsies and calls for a microscopic evaluation. The health care provider would take of some samples of the rash and view it under a microscope to figure out the exact cause of dandruff. They could ask you to go for ketomac anti -dandruff shampoo review. A host of conditions have similar symptoms.

The symptoms of dandruff

The most common symptom of dandruff is the white flakes visible on your dark clothes. In addition itchy scalp could be another symptom. Another noticeable symptom is dry facial hair without any major symptom. Patients may complain of dry skin without any significant improvement by even applying creams and lotions. For others they would have used an expensive lotion from a drug store or from even the most expensive of stores.

Dandruff is visible in the areas of the body incorporated by hair follicles. In your face, chest and even scalp dandruff is found. Sometimes even in the palm dandruff is visible.

Common conditions seen with dandruff

  • Dandruff is a perennial problem plaguing millions of people and it is visible at some point in their life. This can occur regardless of age or genetic issues. Not only your scalp is affected but it can have an impact on your beard, chest etc.
  • Even a region with small hair follicles is affected by dandruff.
  • Dandruff is a problem seen from the kids to the old. When seen in kids it is termed as cradle crap and also goes by the name of crap
  • Some people are all the more prone to dandruff. In fact periodic cleaning cycles and flare up of the condition is witnessed.
  • Dandruff replicates a dry flake skin on your scalp. It could lead to pink or inflamed skin
  • For some individuals there are no major symptoms but they end up complaining about white flakes on their shoulders. This is particularly visible in dark clothes. In case of more advanced cases it can lead to itching or even burning
  • As mentioned earlier some people are more chronic to the problems of dandruff than others.
  • For some the problem of dandruff will worsen with the passage of time. Though it can occur for a short period of time the problem of dandruff stems over to the rest of your life
  • Dandruff can be frustrating condition that may require treatment for the rest of your life. You can use ketomac dandruff shampoo reviews to address the issue at the earliest. This is a safe shampoo and devoid of the use of harsh chemicals. At the same time it is effective and safe
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In terms of home remedies to curb dandruff you can stick to the use of over the counter shampoos. Even daily shampooing of your hair would assure positive results. People who shampoo their hair less than twice in a week are more prone to the issue of dandruff.

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