Complete Guide to Finding the Right Boat Detailing Services

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Complete Guide to Finding the Right Boat Detailing Services 1

Just like automobiles, boats and other marine vessels also have their specialized services and detailing packages. If you want your vessel to give consistent, reliable performance along with keeping that shiny new look, it’s a good idea to set up regular maintenance and detailing schedules with professional boat detailing services and mechanics.

Cleaning and detailing a boat is not all about maintaining its physical appearance. The pH level of saltwater, UV rays of the sun and many other elements your boat is exposed to have to be taken into account. So, if you don’t have time to get to a mechanic, why not take advantage of an experienced mobile boat detailing services provider.

We have compiled a boat detailing guide for you.

Detailing a Boat Exterior

It is highly important to rinse down the exterior of your boat with fresh water after being out on the ocean. After a time, it is necessary to avail of some detailing services to apply polish and wax. Gel coating provides extra protection to your boat. Polishing and waxing are the two essential processes that can preserve the performance of your vessel by reduced wave resistance.

There is a noticeable difference in the performance of a  boat with a properly waxed hull than a boat not kept in shape.

Cleaning and detailing of boat exteriors are very similar to cleaning and detailing of a car. For exterior detailing, you need clean water to rinse it and remove dirt and grime. In the second step, you need a special soap to clean the vessel. Buy a boat cleaner you can use on your vinyl, coat and fabric coat. Start working on a small section. Avoid leaving the soap for too long.

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Not doing so can affect the finish of your boat. Use a rotary buffer to buff the surface and put the shine back to the coat. Wax for a perfect finishing touch.

Detailing A Boat Interior

Interior boat detailing is about ensuring the boat’s upholstery remains clean. A simple wash and dry method are enough to prolong the good quality and life of the interior. This ensures that you have a more comfortable voyage.

First of all, use a multi-surface cleaner to scrub the surface clean. Choose a cleaner that is right for fabric or vinyl. Rinse it off. Once the interior is dry, you can remove the remaining stubborn dirt. Brighten aluminum poles using a metal polish.

Cleaning Boat Vinyl Parts

After cleaning the walls, seats, and carpets, it’s time to clean white vinyl boat seats. Wash vinyl parts with mild soap and water. Rinse it off and let it dry.

Sometimes sunscreen and other particles penetrate the vinyl which can be removed with deep cleaning. You need a specialized surface cleaner to remove that.

The interior of the boat is also exposed to UV rays and other harsh elements. So, the interior also needs an added shield. You can avoid stains by using an aerospace protectant. It also needs 3 to 5 weeks of UV defense.

Depending on the size of the boat, boat detailing can take a few days. So, schedule your appointment accordingly.

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