Fur parent 101: 5 ways to protect your pet!

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Fur parent 101

As a fur parent, your number one priority is keeping your fur babies safe and happy! But even if you do your best – in the little ways you can – it might not be enough. There are certain things most fur parents overlook and in most cases, these are things that are most important.

Your pets can’t speak and tell you what you should and shouldn’t do. So it’s up to you to figure it out but don’t worry! There are tons of ways you can keep your pet happy, healthy and safe. Some of these steps are things you might already know but simply need to be reminded of.

So if you’re curious to know what these steps are, here’s a list of 5 ways to effectively keep your pet safe!

1.   Get all necessary vaccinations

Before taking your fur baby out for a walk or having them meet other pets, be sure to get all necessary vaccinations prior. Without proper vaccinations, your pet could be exposed to various viruses! Viruses are not only easy to catch but are also life-threatening.

Around 3 months, your fur baby might be able to get its first vaccination. But depending on your vet, it may vary. This can depend on your pet’s weight, health and so on. There are tons of reasons your pet could be unfit for a vaccination at the moment. Most of the time it’s weight issues or having low platelets.

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These reasons might put your pet’s vaccination on hold. So simply keep them indoors and isolate them from other pets until then. But if your pet is fit for a vaccine, get it as soon as possible and follow through with other vaccinations later on.

2.   Clean your pet’s things

Cleaning your pet’s belongings is one of the most commonly overlooked tasks. This is actually very important since pets can only hold and carry things with their mouths. Not cleaning their toys, water and food bowl can expose them to viruses, bacteria and other harmful germs that directly go into their mouths!

So once a week, set an hour aside to clean all your pet’s belongings. Be sure to use gentle pet-friendly soap and other cleaning agents. Doing so will keep your pet healthy, clean and happy.

Plus! A pro tip, if your pet recently refuses to drink from their water bowl, give it a feel. If it’s slimy, it’s bio-film. Its microorganisms consist of fungi, protists and bacteria. This can cause dental plaque formation, periodontal diseases, systemic diseases and many more.

3.   Give their food a healthy twist

Whipping up different kinds of meals for your pets daily can be tiresome and a bit of a hassle. That’s why most pet owners choose to feed their pets kibble on a daily basis and occasionally something healthy. Although this may seem fine but is not quite ideal.

There are various ways to whip up healthy meals for your pets that are not only easy but also quick to make! Here are examples of “healthy twists” you can add to your pet’s meal:

  • Boiled squash with kibble.
  • Boiled chicken shreds with kibble.
  • Bits of salmon or sardines with kibble.
  • Top their meals with powdered eggshells for calcium.
  • Boiled chicken liver with kibble.
  • Vet prescribed food supplements.
  • A drop or two of fish oil.
  • Peas, chopped carrots with kibble.
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4.   Get your pet insured!

Another way to keep your pet safe and protected is by getting them coverage. There are various kinds of pet insurance policies out there, so much you’d have a variety of options! But to make the process easier for you, consider hiring an insurance advisor. They’ll be able to find you the coverage your pet needs!

Having insurance can cover your pet’s vet bill in instances your pet gets injured or sick. This will be one less thing to worry about when accidents and disasters do occur. And if you’re still not convinced, here’s a list of benefits:

  • Give you more options for treatments.
  • Allows you to spend more time focusing on your pet’s health and less on the vet bill.
  • Pet insurance is for any kind of pet.
  • Allows you to get quality treatments for less.
  • Allows you to be able to pick out a vet of your choice.
  • Will save you money in the long run.

5.   Get routine checkups!

Last but not least is getting routine checkups. This is essential because, unlike humans, pets can’t express if they feel sick or in pain. And even if your pet is healthy, it’s still ideal to get them checked up regularly. This can prevent underlying diseases from spreading and keep your pet in tip-top shape!

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