How to win iphone and cash rewards by using the Assam Bachao contest?

Election plays a major role in a country where people need to choose their representative based on the vote he or she get on Election Day. Now at Assam get the election in few days both the party is trying to provide the things which they have done and things which they going to do are represented on the election campaign. One of the parties has announced and offers an iPhone 12, one plus mobile, and another cash rewards offer to the people. The contest name is Assam Bachao where the rule is simple for enrolling you need to create a video about the need things require for an area or the surrounded places.
How to enroll in the assam bachao contest
You need to follow the instruction and how to create perfectly. The videos must be 2 minutes and should cover the entire need things in a single video with proper video clarity on it. This campaign contest is mainly for known about what people need and what kind’s problem are they facing in their day to day life on their surrounded places. The party now have the problem list and can do their campaign about the next things what they going to do for the Assam state election.
The Assam Bachao content progress for 10 days of the party campaign and the contest ends on February 19. The contest is done every day and they choose the best one from the video campaign and able to win the iPhone and other cashback offers in a daily manner on it. The launching of this campaign is simple where the party wants to know the exact problem they face in a regular interval manner. The most important issues are taken for the manifesto and they are taken with more functionality on it. The party offers more campaigns about the biggest problem where they meet and need to be solved immediate progress of it.
With this innovative concept, the party comes to known about the entire and the people of Assam what they need to change and what the opposite government or party does to the state on it. The creative manner and the campaign will help the party to grow more about the can make the ruling government get lose in the upcoming election progress of it. One the major way to cover up every problem people of Assam and gives the chances of making the election on the best way on it. This helps to raise the voice of common people and does the election in a peaceful manner of it.
With the promise, you can make a perfect way of choice and it will better to deal with major conditions on which it will refer to everyone on the campaign. India is a democratic country and people have the right to raise the voice to make a perfect way to deal with so. Every election is conducted every five years and people choose the best person for developing the country in the best manner and it will help you gain much power on it. The election is done in the best manner and people do vote for people representatives.