Keep A Track To Hypertension By Avoiding These 10 Foods

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Hypertension is another terminology used for high blood pressure. Hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition in which blood pressure is more than the normal range (120/80 mmHg). Blood pressure fluctuates based on routine activities, but if blood pressure normally remains above normal, then it is certainly hypertension.

According to American Heart Association guidelines (2017), a persistent blood pressure of 130/70 mmHg is diagnosed as hypertension.

Why Is It Important?

Persistent hypertension can have serious health outcomes that are directly associated with the cardiovascular system and performance. Persistent hypertension also increases the probability of heart attack, heart stroke and other heart diseases. Eventually, it is essential to keep track of blood pressure if you are suffering from high blood pressure.

Follow the directions of your physician. He might suggest some medication and precautionary measures. In order to avoid serious consequences, it is compulsory to follow the directions suggested for you.

Can A Change In Lifestyle Help?

In addition to certain medications, doctors suggest bringing some positive changes to their lifestyle. It is a helpful way to keep blood pressure within a harmless range and avoid other medical issues associated with hypertension; however, some dietary habits can help avoid hypertension.

Dietary Changes

Common salt itself and is an important constituent of most food is directly associated with setting hypertension. It is a good way to avoid hypertension through some positive changes in dietary habits. Keeping a thorough track of food ingredients will help opt for the right food options and give up the unhealthy ones. Here is a list of food that should be avoided in order to avoid hypertension

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1.      Table Salt

Table salt is a source of sodium; sodium is harmful to people already dealing with hypertension. Sodium causes a rise in blood pressure. It is essential to avoid its excessive intake if you are diagnosed with hypertension. According to an estimated average intake of table salt consumed by Americans is 3400 mg per day, which is higher than the suggested normal intake (2400 mg). Reducing salt intake by even half a teaspoon can prove beneficial in reducing blood pressure.

2.      Sauces & Seasonings

Sauces and seasonings are a rich source of hidden salt. Skipping sauces and seasoning can assist in avoiding taking in additional amounts of salt into the body. Replacing sauces with spices and herbs can have dual benefits. Firstly, it will help to skip extra salt intake, and secondly, it can help to add flavors to food and make it appetizing.

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3.      Canned Food

Most canned vegetables and soups have salt as the main ingredient. In order to avoid hypertension, such canned food should be avoided. Instead, try using fresh vegetables and make fresh soups and broth. It will be a more nutritious and healthier option. In case if you are using canned food, then rinsing it with fresh water may help getting rid of extra salt.

4.      Processed Food

Processed food is again a rich source of hidden salt. Such processed, packaged, and preserved frozen foods are unhealthy in many ways. In comparison with processed food, opting for freshly cooked food is a win-win in numerous ways. The preservation of processed food underlay with added sugar and added salt, which is not good for people suffering from hypertension and diabetes.

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5.      Snack Food

Mindful snacking is very crucial as it can be a source of extra calories on the one hand and also be a source of extra salt, especially if you are dealing with hypertension. Therefore, it is important to replace salty snacks such as chips, peanuts, and popcorns with lighter and healthier ones. Another good option is to look for less salty versions or going with plain chips and popcorns.

6.      Junk Food

It is an unhealthy dietary choice. There are many reasons to refrain from junk food. Most importantly, junk food is packed with lots of fat, sugar, and salt, which overtime connected with health issues of weight gain, diabetes, and hypertension. Healthy food alternatives can instead help to limit blood pressure in control.

7.      Fried Food

Eating fried food can not directly cause an increase in blood pressure. Rather it leads to chronic health conditions, which can also cause hypertension. Eating fried food can cause high cholesterol levels. Fried foods are rich sources of Trans and saturated fats, which increases fat accumulation in the blood causing high blood pressure. With high cholesterol, the heart has to pump harder and thus causes high blood pressure.

8.      Alcohol

Alcohol intake can result in hypertension as it inhibits vasodilation, a phenomenon that allows smooth muscles in blood vessels to relax, allowing more blood flow through them and eventually causes low blood pressure. According to an estimate, consecutive three drinks of alcohol can result in high blood pressure immediately. Alcohol consumption for a longer duration can result in hypertension.

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Excessive alcohol can drug abuse can lead to serious health issues. In order to overcome it, several options are available to finance detox treatment for alcoholism. Medicaid can be used to cover treatment costs by a person seeking treatment.

9.      Cured Meat

Curing is another type of meat preservation that is done by the use of salt. Cured meat is unhealthy. According to the WHO study, cured and processed meats are carcinogens and can cause colon cancer particularly. It also has too much-hidden salt, which is injurious for people dealing with hypertension.

10. Sugar

Taking in enormous amounts of sugar, especially in the form of sugary drinks, is indirectly related to raising blood pressure. An immense amount of sugars can cause adults and children to become overweight. More fats in the body lead to a rise in cholesterol levels, and many health problems are associated with weight gain and high cholesterol, such as diabetes and high blood pressure.


Adopting healthy lifestyle changes can work wonders for those facing health challenges in terms of hypertension and other serious problems. In order to overcome this serious health, the challenge is by limiting salt intake and foods that have hidden salt as the main ingredient. This will support the cardiovascular system by keeping blood pressure in control and at healthy levels.

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