Looking to Do an MBA Abroad? Take Up the GMAT Exam First!

Administered and developed by the GMAC (the test makers), the GMAT is imperative if you wish to pursue your MBA degree abroad as well as in India. This exam is a computer-adaptive, standardized, multiple-choice, and computer-based exam that tests your analytical, logical, grammatical, and critical thinking skills. Hence, it forms a significant part of the admissions process in any renowned business school you wish to apply to.
Now that you have a basic idea of what is GMAT, let’s break down the sections of the exam further and get into a bit more detail. You will be evaluated on four different categories in the exam — Analytical Writing, Quantitative, Verbal and Integrated Reasoning. To score well in these sections, it is essential that you are familiar with the concepts of basic geometry, arithmetic, grammar, and multi-source data analysis.
Moreover, the GMAT exam is 3.5 hours long, inclusive of the 8-minute optional breaks. Besides, the GMAT exam is offered all year round, so you can take the exam anytime. Also, it is advised that you research the programs and the universities to which you will be applying so that you can send in your scores before the deadlines. It can take up to 20 calendar days for GMAT to process your scores and send them across to the programs you will be applying to. Your scoring range will be from 200 to 800. Once you complete the exam you will receive your unofficial score after which you will have the opportunity to either accept or cancel the score.
Now let us see how to prepare for the GMAT exam in an effective manner.
How to Prepare for the GMAT Exam
Preparing for the GMAT exam is no easy task. It can prove to be challenging and an arduous process since the GMAT is a highly competitive exam. However, with the right sources and material, you will be able to attain the perfect score. And, once you achieve that, you will be one step closer to getting into the University of your choice. Hence, you should begin your GMAT prep well in advance so that you have sufficient time to gain a good knowledge of all the subjects and complete enough practice tests before the final exam.
GMAT prep can be done online where you have access to multiple resources and several practice tests. Moreover, there are various study plans which you can adopt so that each section of the exam is given equal importance. These study plans are crucial since it helps you to map out the method of study, duration of the study and other important factors. While some of you will have the time to prepare and study 3 months in advance, there are still others who might have only a few weeks to prepare. In both cases, it is highly recommended that you organize your study plans to help you learn in a systematic and efficient manner.
While the GMAT can prove to be a very challenging exam it is merely a skills-based test. Therefore, it is certain that you can acquire and learn these skills within the time you have available, thus enabling you to score well. We wish you all the best!