Role of Hand Washing in Health and Hygiene

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Hand Washing

The role of handwashing in health and hygiene is multifold: It is said that good hand washing proves to be essential for preventing the spread of diseases. It helps prevent illnesses by reducing the risk of infection and reduces the risk of skin disorders. A good liquid soap is also useful in preventing bacterial and fungal infections. Thus, it is not surprising that health experts are encouraging people to practice it regularly. There are different methods that can be adopted, depending on the kind of infection and the risk factors.

Following certain hand washing steps is not something new. The practice has been in existence for more than thousands of years. Nowadays, there are many ways of ensuring hygiene. However, there are some techniques that are commonly used since they are simple and do not require too much time. 

Some of them are as follows. Let’s discuss different types of hand washes and their effects on our skin:

  • Liquid Soap or Hand Washes

The use of soap is a common practice among most people. It is good for rinsing and preventing the spread of germs. Instead of using the soaps, you should invest in the use of liquid hand wash, which can effectively eliminate the bacteria present in the hand wash water. It is very important to remember that you should never overdo the use of hand wash because the water can cause more problems.

  • Alcohol-Based Hand Washes

The use of alcohol-based hand washes is also widely used nowadays when it comes to health. These are easier to use than the soap methods. But it is a method that can lower down the effectiveness of the hand wash system. The problem with the alcohol-based solutions is that they cause more harm to the skin and the hand, causing dryness and skin irritation. So if possible, avoid using such products.

  • Enzyme-Based Hand Washes
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The use of enzyme-based hand washes is a good alternative to alcohol-based solutions. The hand washing steps while using these hand washes are safer to use since they contain no harmful chemicals. Moreover, they can eliminate the bacteria present on your hands by simply using a few drops of the enzyme agent.

There are also two primary tips on how to ensure better handwashing practices:

  • First, make sure that the hands are always clean after every use. This can be done by keeping the towel dry after washing them and by not sharing the towels or other personal items. 
  • Second, make sure that you always dry your hands thoroughly and do not leave your hands wet.

The Final Say If you are willing to opt for some necessary tasks that help to promote your personal health and hygiene, then choose the right handwash for yourself. Also, ensure to read the ingredients used in the making so that you may choose what’s best for your skin health and what can keep the germs away from you.

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