Stuck with mobile phone hotspot? Get a broadband connection today!

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Stuck with mobile phone hotspot? Get a broadband connection today! 1

G is a mobile broadband era. The speed that 4G offers made it possible for users to connect multiple devices to the same mobile network and get decent network in every device. Still, the bandwidth offered by a mobile network is very less compared to a full-fledged broadband network. 

While a basic broadband network can complete a Telegram movie download in let’s say, under 4-5 minutes, a mobile data powered device will take more than 10 minutes to download the same movie. Moreover, your data pack might just get exhausted while downloading the film. 

Therefore, we suggest you move from a mobile phone hotspot to a broadband connection for better speed, more bandwidth, and stable connection. 

Why mobile hotspot is not feasible for every day long run activities?

Mobile data should actually be your back up plan in case of a power outage or if you are outdoors. Your mobile data, how much ever efficient, is just not enough to power your high data consumption activities like streaming movies, downloading video or audio files, video conferencing, and more. Here are a few reasons why you should switch from mobile hotspot:

  • Your mobile hotspot can’t provide high speed of 30-40 Mbps required for streaming online or playing online games.
  • Mobile hotspots don’t have good upload and download speeds needed for video conferencing. 
  • It can’t support high data consumption activities for a remote work setup. 
  • Mobile hotspots have low bandwidth and therefore can’t power multiple devices (more than 2) and provide a decent network speed. 
  • Online gamers might face high rate of latency and glitch while playing online games. 
  • Video streaming will exhaust mobile data very fast. You will have to do multiple data booster packs to stream online every day. 
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These are a few reasons to get a good broadband connection for your home. 

Pointers to keep in before taking a broadband connection

A broadband connection can power multiple devices in your home including your laptops, phones, smart TV, IoT devices, or a security system. Your mobile data cannot. Therefore, you should go for a broadband connection in your home. 

Before choosing a broadband plan, keep the below pointers in mind.

  • Always go for a FTTH (Fiber to Home) technology to get a fully dedicated Fiber Optic cable which provides a stable connection even during rainy or stormy weather.
  • Has affordable rates and various internet plans starting at low rates when compared to other providers.
  • The ISP should offer a professional-grade free wifi modem router for the connection. 
  • Offers plans which suit your unique needs like entertainment needs, remote work needs, office like internet, supports wifi calling, and more. 
  • Excellent customer service and response time in case of any network issues. 

Keep these pointers in mind to get the perfect broadband connection for your home. Understand your own and your family’s internet needs and data consumption pattern to get the perfect plan for you. You don’t want to get stuck with a low-priced plan and experience slow internet speed. On the other hand, you should not be paying extra for internet. 

The best way to decide which plan you need is considering the number of devices which need internet and the type of activities your family does online. With these pointers in mind, get yourself a broadband plan and leave behind the mobile hotspot! Happy surfing online!

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