What are the benefits of Real Estate agencies for selling your home in Calgary?

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home in Calgary

Everything about the real estate market, about the agencies which have undeniable advantages and disadvantages sometimes justified by bad practices. So should we go directly from private individual to private individual or should we trust real estate agencies by giving them an exclusive mandate?

The real estate agency

Going through a real estate agency in Calgary for a seller makes it possible to sell their property quickly or for a buyer to easily find a house, an apartment or acquire building land.

How not to make a mistake when buying knowing that if the price was higher than the market price the resale would be at a loss?

This detailed article sheds light on this activity which is sometimes disparaged, sometimes judged with preconceptions or stubborn clichés, as in many professions. The real estate activity remains a human exchange let us not forget it: let us keep in mind that in any transaction from private individual to private individuals or between individuals and professionals, kindness is a quality of the soul.

Advantages of real estate agencies in connection with a purchase or sale.

  • Real estate agencies work with a large network of owner-sellers, so sales agents are able to offer a wide choice of offers for Calgary houses for sale.
  • Visiting a property through an agency commits you only if you wish and remains free. 
  • You should know that if you offer your property for sale in several agencies, this indicates to buyers either that you are in a hurry or that you are having trouble selling your home, this signal given, buyers will know that they can negotiate at the drop.
  • On the other hand, entrusting the sale of your house or apartment to a single agency, it can be a game of chance, some agencies will redouble their efforts to sell your home when they have the exclusivity of the sale  while others will only seek to “get mandates” with little effort to sell your property.
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From the seller’s point of view

Individuals have little visibility on real market trends, they generally set their selling price based on prices seen on other listing websites. For buyers dealing with them, this means paying the same price for the property as if they had gone through an agency, but with less service.

First and foremost and this is important to discuss that, if the price of the property is a little bit too high then it is not the real estate agency in Calgary that decides on the price of their property but the owners who are sometimes overly covetous. Agencies provide advice and worldwide market view in terms of finalizing the selling price of the Calgary houses for sale, and it is the price at which the properties are sold, not the price at which the properties are listed, when we say selling price!

Individuals are not aware of true trends in the market and often select their selling price based on the prices seen on other listing websites. This implies paying the same price for the property for buyers dealing with them as if they had passed via a real estate agency, but with less service.

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