What to Do Before Meeting With Work Comp Lawyer

If you were hurt at work and have taken the first step toward obtaining compensation by consulting a work comp lawyer, you’re undoubtedly wondering what will happen during your initial session. Of course, the nature of your meeting will depend on your particular circumstances, but there are certain things you can do to prepare for your initial meeting regardless of how you were wounded. Here are some pointers to help you be completely prepared for your first appointment with a workers’ compensation attorney.
Consultation with Your Workers Compensation Lawyer
Here are some things you may do to prepare for your first appointment with your workers’ compensation attorney.
Bring All Documents: Bring all documents about your case to your first meeting. Bring a copy of your workplace injury report, any medical paperwork, and anything else you believe your attorney would need to know.
Details on Employment and Earnings: It’s also a good idea to include any employment records, pay stubs, or bank records that are relevant to your job.
Suppose you are likely to be out of work for an extended period. In that case, your workers’ compensation lawyer will be able to assess your projected lost wages and compile an appropriate claim amount based on all of your earnings information.
Contact Information: It is also beneficial for your attorney to know anybody who may need to speak with them during the claims procedure. Give them your contact details, as well as the phone number of your boss or hr department, and the name and address of the health institution or doctor where you had your treatment.
Bills: If you have received a bill for medical services, bring it to your initial meeting. You can also keep track of additional costs associated with your workplace accident, such as mileage documented when commuting to medical visits or money being spent on assistive items such as crutches or braces.
Photos: Fortunately, you or your coworkers were able to photograph the injury location. Perhaps there was wetness on the ground, which contributed to your fall, or your safety harness had some defective straps. Take photographs of the accident area and anything else that may have contributed to your injuries since this can aid your case. Photographs of the injury itself might also be useful.
Make a List Of Questions To Ask Your Workers’ Compensation Lawyer
First consultations can allow you to choose if you want to engage an attorney. You’ll want to get a sense of whether the lawyers you’re meeting with have the knowledge and patience to tackle your case, as well as if they’re the best fit for you. Create a list of questions you’d like to ask to help you concentrate your evaluation, such as:
- What portion of your practice is committed to workers’ compensation claims, and how much experience do you have?
Because you are searching for a workers’ compensation expert, the lawyer should devote a major amount of his or her practice to defending injured workers. Additional experience is preferable, but a lawyer with at least five years of workers’ compensation expertise should be able to handle your case.
- Do you have any credentials?
Many state bar associations provide certificates in workers’ compensation law to attorneys who satisfy specific qualifications. A certification typically indicates that the attorney has extensive knowledge and expertise in workers’ compensation. While this isn’t an essential need, it is a good approach to discover the best lawyers.
- Will you personally handle my case? Who will perform the majority of the work?
It is usual for lawyers to delegate suitable work to associate attorneys, paralegals, or even professional advisers within the firm.
However, your attorney should be in charge of everything in your case, perform high-level work, and keep you updated frequently.
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of my case?
Because no attorney can guarantee that you will obtain a certain amount of benefits, you should be wary if a lawyer makes large claims regarding outcomes. However, a competent workers’ compensation attorney should be able to provide you with a broad appraisal of your case. Therefore, you want a lawyer who is confident yet practical.
- How frequently will you or someone from your office contact me?
Your lawyer should keep you updated on any changes in your case. Workers’ compensation attorneys frequently manage many cases at once, so they don’t anticipate regular updates. However, you should expect your lawyer to return your calls and emails within a fair length of time. Inquire whether someone from the office, such as a paralegal or an advisor, would provide you with information and answer basic questions regarding the status of your case.
- Do you have any references I may contact?
If you’re still undecided about hiring the lawyer, inquire if there are any past clients or colleagues you might speak with about their experiences.
Take notes throughout your appointment and see whether the attorney listens well and explains everything understandably and thoroughly.
Final Words
If you have experienced a work-related injury, an experienced workers’ compensation attorney can assist you in obtaining the benefits to which you are entitled. To get started with your workers’ compensation claim, contact Kneisler and Schondel today.