What is Bunion or Hallux Valgus? – Symptoms, Causes, Precautions and Treatments?

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bunion surgery houston

The bunion, or hallux valgus is a deformity of the big toe, or great toe which produces a bulge in the outer edge of the foot. People born with abnormal bones in the feet are more likely to form bunions. The condition can become painful as the bump gets worse because, at the base of the big toe, extra bone grows and  and the bump gets full of fluid. So, if you are dealing with this deformity of the bone, and have been searching for Bunion solutions, well, you are in the right place. Here, at DeNiel Foot and Ankle Center, in Cypress, Texas, you can consult with Dr. Ejodamen Shobowale to put an end to your big toe deformity and alleviate your foot issues.

Causes of Bunion disorder

Among the causes that determine the appearance of bunions, hereditary factors are the most influential. Although, they can also appear due to inflammatory rheumatisms or other diseases of the foot such as flat feet or cavities. Compared to men, women are the most affected by Bunions. This is explained because high heels can aggravate the bunion, as well as their shoes of choice being too narrow in the forefoot. In the case of adolescents, they tend to have more problems when treating bunions than adults.

Evaluate your symptoms

The characteristics of the bunions are:

  • Due to the excess deformity, often, the big toe mounts on the second finger next to it.
  • The patient feels pain over the joint where the bunion is located and which worsens with the pressure of the shoes.
  • The skin has a callosum and reddened appearance along the inside edge of the big toe and a bulge in this area.

What are the preventive methods?

In order to prevent the appearance of bunions, DeNiel Foot and Ankle Center, recommends that the patient must wear flexible shoes, without too much heel. It is advisable to be a shoe that fits the foot without having a tip too narrow. It is also important to subject the feet to baths of warm water and salt to reduce inflammation and use dressings that reduce pressure on the bunion if it has already appeared. Feet of woman is the curb of a pool. Bunions are a deformity of the big toe, or the first toe, that produces a bump on the outer edge of it. There is currently no distinction in types of this condition. An X – ray of the foot can also show a possible abnormal angle between the big toe and the foot. All must be done under professional supervision of Dr. Ejodamen Shobowale in DeNiel Foot and Ankle Center, in Cypress, Texas. There are non-surgical process available.

What can be the treatments?

If the bunions are not painful, and do not prevent the use of footwear, specialists advise against operating them, non-surgical treatment. The operation for a bunion is indicated in those painful cases or in those that do not allow walking normally. There are more than 200 surgical correction techniques. The specialist will determine which is the most suitable in each case, depending on the degree of deformity, the age of the patient or the cause. But, if surgery is the only option you have, you must consult the DeNiel Foot and Ankle Center professionals for Bunion surgery Houston.

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Among the latest surgical developments, percutaneous surgery stands out. It has not yet been sufficiently tested, but so far, the results are promising. It consists of making small incisions with which the bone projection is removed. It is performed with outpatient surgery, and is performed under local anesthesia. In some cases, it is enough to use orthopedic insoles that are tailored to the patient’s needs. Ask Dr. Ejodamen Shobowale for more details.

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