How can exam pressure hamper with child’s mental, psychological and physical health?

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How can exam pressure hamper with child’s mental, psychological and physical health

‘Exam’ by its name only may scare many off. Exams that are basically meant to evaluate one’s learning and knowledge has now become one of the leading causes of stress, depression and anxiety in young children. This pressure is affecting the mental, physical and psychological health of kids up to so much extent that they are even turning suicidal. Hence, it is very important to be watchful for the stress symptoms and help them cope up.

Psychological, Mental and Physical symptoms and effects of exam stress

Fear of a forthcoming exam is also termed as ‘test anxiety’. When a test is approaching, children can get negative thoughts like ‘I am not prepared’; ‘I will fail this test’; ‘I will never be able to perform well’ – to fight these thoughts kids may show unusual behaviour like uncontrollable excitement, extreme nervousness, mood swings, fainting etc. These are some hints to indicate that something is not right with their psychological health. On the other hand, exam pressure may be so high that it may crack down even the mentally toughest people. Children may suffer from panic attacks and nervous breakdown, severely ruining their mental balance.

 There were days when hypertension and cardiac disorders were common among aged people but now it seems it has nothing to do with age; young children are coming up as new patients of such diseases. Many kids are already on medication and they need to address their psychological pressure differently as such physical disorders can, in turn trigger, the psychological and mental symptoms as well. All of these or any of these symptoms only make the child perform poorly in test, further breaking down his/her confidence, self-esteem and can even make him suicidal. In such cases, do not choose over-the-counter medications or anti-anxiety meds which can be bought from online medicine shopping site. Rather understand the problem and try to handle in a healthier way.

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Coping up with the exam pressure

Exam pressure is not something to be taken for granted. Problem should be nipped at the bud to It should handle it effectively and ensure that it does not play with the health of the children. Parents and guardians must not keep their expectations too high and should act as a support system to help the child to cope up with exam pressure.

If you notice any symptoms in your child, first try to talk out and understand what is stressing the child out and if you feel there is a need of medical intervention, do not hesitate.

Your child might be more comfortable in communicating with an expert so take him there. If time is your limiting factor, then you can talk to an expert online and even order medicines from the online medical store through your mobile or laptop. This will not just make your child to express his feelings without any hesitation, but will also save a lot of time and medicine home delivery services can help you to get your medicines delivered at your doorsteps.

An early intervention can save your child from falling prey to test anxiety and help him/her sail through the exam seasons strongly and happily!

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