How is a Sikh wedding done? What are the different types of rituals that are done in a Sikh wedding?

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Sikh wedding, the wedding is done with full enjoyment and fun. There are so many different types of rituals that take place at a Sikh wedding. If someone wants Sikh groom or bride then he or she should take help from Sikh matrimony grooms and brides. They will help in having the perfect bride and groom according to the needs of the people. The different types of pre and post-wedding rituals that take place at a Christian wedding are mentioned below:

How is a Sikh wedding done? What are the different types of rituals that are done in a Sikh wedding? 3

Pre-wedding rituals:
1.           Rokka: This is the pre-engagement ceremony in which the engagement fixation is announced by both the families and the groom and bride are gifted dresses, money, jewelry etc. This is the most important ritual 0of a Sikh wedding. This Rokka ceremony is also known as pre-engagement ceremony because of the fixation of engagement date.
2.           Mangini or Sagai: This is the ceremony in which both the couples means the bride and groom exchange their rings to announce that soon they are going to get married. This ceremony is known as the engagement ceremony. This is a ceremony which is held at a gurudwara, hall or any resort. Both the bride and groom family members, relatives and friends are welcomed.
3.           Mehendi and Sangeet: In old, days these were the rituals which were done on different days but know both these ceremonies take place on the same day. The bride and groom are applied with Mehendi on their hands. Therefore, the friends, relatives, family members dance on DJ’s, sing-song to show their happiness. This is a ritual which is done one day before the wedding.
4.           Vatna or Haldi: This is in which the bride and groom are applied haldi on their bodies, face, feet, hands etc. after the haldi is applied they are taken for a bath and they are decorated properly and Ardas is done at that time. This is a ritual which is done on the same day of the wedding. After, all these pre-wedding rituals Anand-Karaj take place.
Post-wedding rituals:
1.           Viddai: This is a ritual in which the bride is sent to the groom’s house in a well-decorated car. All the family members, friends and relatives of the bride cry to show how much they are going to miss her after she goes to the groom’s house. 
2.           Welcoming the bride: The bride; is welcomed to the groom’s house by her mother-in-law. She welcomes the bride by putting mustard oil on all the corners of the door. This is how welcoming of the bride is done. After, this the bride and groom are given vows and blessings by their family members and relatives.
3.           Reception: This is a ceremony which takes place at the groom’s house. All the relatives, friends and family members of the groom are there in this ceremony.

These are the rituals that are done in a Sikh wedding. If someone wants to have Sikh bride or groom he or she should take the help Sikh matrimony marriage bureau to choose the perfect life partners according to them.
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