Why India Is a Suitable Hub for Data Analytics?
It will not be a ridiculous exaggeration if one says that India manned the digital revolution around the world. We have just been good at learning technology. Our vast population has definitely helped the cause – India produces the highest number or engineers. Now that the things are changing: automation is kicking in and the data-oriented roles are growing in importance, India has the best chance of making it to the forefront. Most importantly it needs to be at the top of the game.
Data-centricity is a necessity
Bangalore IIM just signed a contract with the Commercial Tax department of Karnataka to help the latter integrate data analytics in tax administration. It will help equip the CTD officers with advanced technical skills. The important of this news is that it shows how analytics is entering every niche of governance and administration.
The public sector in India is huge and it is liable to ensure the peaceful existence of a large mass of people densely spread across a huge land mass. The integration of data analytics is a great opportunity to the Indian public sector to do it right.
From planning forestation by analyzing the carbon emissions in an area to analyzing the garbage disposal routine of a locality to ensure better sanitary services, analytics can extend a helping hand.
Finance and healthcare deserve some attention
Data-centric finance management has come a long way in India. In this country, a certain section of people is exceedingly enthusiastic about monetary games. And data analytics can not only help people do better on the share market it helps the banks to dodge fraudulent customers and unreliable borrowers. The amount of money saved by financial analytics each year is phenomenal.
The financial analytics market in India has reached $ 1.2 billion and 6,000 fresh candidates have found employment in this sector in 2018. And this is just a beginning.
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The healthcare sector in India can be brutal towards the economically backward sects. The services are not distributed with much efficiency. Not that the medical professionals are not competent or considerate; it is the very depth of the nations rural sects that cause the main problem. It is a huge area where analytics can do more than just ensuring overwhelming profits for the healthcare institutes, it can help track the needs of the distressed in the remotest corners. The power of data, if unleashed, can do wonders.
Bangalore taking up the Mantle
Bangalore is playing its role as the focal point in the data revolution just as it did at the time of the IT boom. The number of startups in Bangalore integrating analytics and creating employment in this field is at an all-time high. And the data analytics institute in Bangalore are doing well to strike balance in the supply and demand equation.
In spite of that the demands for analytics experts are rising. Experts in machine learning are sought after by enterprises of all sizes.
It is a good time to learn analytics and get a break through. It might not last too long; so, sooner the better.