8 Secrets to Make Your Medical Personal Statement Stand Out

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Medical Personal Statement

A personal statement will require you to explore all of your accomplishments over the last few years. It is an interesting endeavor, but it can leave a lot of students a little overwhelmed. When we have to write about ourselves, it gives us the opportunity to feel either good or bad about what we have done so far. It is important that your medical personal statement reflects your goals. Even if you are not particularly happy with what you have achieved, it is still your story. There are some trade secrets you can use to make this personal statement more attractive.

1.    Personal

You want the reader to get to know the person behind all the achievements. It can easily be done by telling a few personal stories or just allowing your personality to show through your writing. We all have a unique writing style and it is just there where we find our magic.

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2.    Modest within reason

We sometimes try to be modest, but don’t let that hold you back. Instead, you want to show your achievements and accomplishments as well. This is a fine line, but do not leave anything out because you are trying to be modest.

3.    Professional

Going to medical school is fantastic, but you have to show that you are already a professional individual. Take the opportunity to show your skills in the way that you write. When writing a med school personal statement, you have to think of yourself as already being qualified.

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4.    Good grammar

This may be one of those points that should go without saying, but it is important to mention. There is no reason to have bad grammar in your writing anymore. You can find so many good tools out there that will help you achieve the best writing.

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5.    Strengths and weaknesses

We need to find a perfect balance when writing a personal statement. Show that you are only human and have some flaws. It does not have to be terrible weaknesses. All you are trying to achieve here is to let the reader know that you are not perfect. Then you balance it out with your strengths.

6.    Unique

Always come across as a unique person. The board will receive a ton of applications and yours need to stand out. It may seem impossible at first, but all you have to do is be yourself. What makes you different from the next applicant? Go with that.

7.    Tell your story

Do not tell the story you wish would have been yours. Tell your own story and you will be able to engage the reader more. We all want to have lived this exciting life, but sometimes we don’t even see the excitement in our own.

8.    Prove everything

If there is no proof to back up something major in your personal statement, leave it out. You want to be able to prove everything that you claim. A personal statement review will be able to check if what you say is in fact true.

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Final thoughts on a medical personal statement

Your medical personal statement should be attempted in a relaxed and calm environment. Plan everything to the tee. Create an outline and make the time to actually do it properly. You have one opportunity to reflect and write about your own life. Make your story worth the read and you will be successful.

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