What Tools do Professionals Use for Repairing Car Body Correctly?

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Repairing Car Body Correctly

People always need to take their cars to professionals for repairing purposes. One of the major reasons for people to opt for professionals is due to the tools they have access to for repairing car bodies.

To get the best work done by professionals. You need to visit CDA auto body shop as experienced experts know how to deal with any car repair that is required by their clients.

Now take a look at what tools the professionals use for repairing car bodies correctly!

  1. Air compressor

Any car body repair generally requires painting a chassis. Air compressor is what they use to ensure detailed finishing and a good one lasts them for years. Using an air compressor is an ideal way of painting a vehicle. Also, these people always use larger air compressors as it helps them in getting the work done quickly and ensuring that their customers enjoy the best services.

  • Dolly set and car body hammer

A dolly set and a body hammer is something pros always keep handy as it helps them to whip car panels back into their correct shape. For each type of job, experts will use different hammer types to ensure that each panel of the chassis is correctly whipped back into place. Depending on what type of damage a car body has, these people will select the hammer accordingly and proceed with the job.

  • Sandpaper

When dealing with auto body damage, mechanics have to use sandpaper for sanding an area and then use body filler. It is a must-have for all experts and they are always using it to smoothen a surface after beating it into shape with a hammer.

  • Stud welder/slide hammer
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These tools are used primarily for fixing certain small dent types by pulling panels back into shape. There are times when professionals also use slide hammer’s basic version which utilizes a hook adapter or screws for fixing dents.

Apart from this, mechanics also use electric stud welders for getting the work done efficiently.

  • Putty knives, body filler, etc.

Putty knives are chiefly used for combining body fillers. It is available in plastic as well as metal; it completely depends on a professional, which one they prefer to use. However, most experts prefer utilizing a metal one, because it is easy to clean them when covered in filler using a wire wheel or DA sander.

These are some of the tools that professionals in Coeur d’Alene auto body shop always uses to complete the repairing work. Such tools are not readily available for people to use to fix their car bodies. Thus, it makes sense that you visit an experienced mechanic to get your car body repaired as well as get your dents fixed along with a paint job if required.

Now that you know the tools experts use to fix car dents, book an appointment and get your car fixed immediately. You can’t own all these tools like an air compressor, putty knives, different types of hammers, etc. Hence, visiting such pros is the ideal way to go.

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